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inquiry project digital essay

This is where you will be putting your digital essay once you are finished. You will have a short introduction of what it is at the top of the page, but the rest of it will be your digital essay. 

Digital Essay


Design Choices should support the rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, genre, context)


EMPHASIS—what has been emphasized or given the greatest importance? How does that affect the reading of the essay? Is there a central focus or has there been a repeated image or textual quality for emphasis?


CONTRAST—the difference between elements, the combination of which makes one element stand out from the other (can be done with color, size, placement, shape, and content)


ORGANIZATION—how are the elements arranged to form a coherent unit or functioning whole? How does that arrangement reflect the purpose of the text?


ALIGNMENT—how do things line up? Alignment controls how our eyes move across a text. You should use a “journalism justified” alignment for this piece.


PROXIMITY—how close are elements (or groupings of elements) placed to each other and what relationships are built as a result of that spacing? What associations are you making for the reader?




Translating Print Layouts to Digital Design: What are some cool aspects you find? (*Use examples from newspaper and magazines.)


                          -layouts match the content of the piece

                                  -pull out quotes and charts

                                          -headlines and image headers

                                                 -using colors and arrows to indicate a change

                          -incorporation of images/image mosaics

                                  -infographics or charts

                                          -different colored backgrounds or different color text

                                                   -different sized text or shapes or lines



Wanna add cool stuff to your page?


Toondoo (cartoon maker)

Xtranormal (video cartoon maker)

Glogster (online poster)

Animoto (video slide show maker)

Photo Story 3 (slide show maker)

Comic Master (Comic Book Creator) (Children’s Book Creator) (creates word clouds) (graphic designer) (online poster creator)

Podbean (to create podcasts) (comic strips)

Super Hero Squad (Marvel Comic Strip Generator)

Dabbleboard (virtual whiteboard)

Wordle (create word art)

Museum Box (archive and display research)

Google these websites to find really cool online tools or image creators.

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